There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
An WCF data service service is created.
This service use the URL http://PassGuide.com/PassGuide.svc.
You need to an HTTP request to update the Country property of an Employees record
which has a value of as 1000. The other properties should not be changed.
You need to an HTTP request to update the Country property of an Employees record which has a value of as 1000
There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
An WCF data service service is created.
This service use the URL http://PassGuide.com/PassGuide.svc.
You need to an HTTP request to update the Country property of an Employees record
which has a value of as 1000. The other properties should not be changed.
We want MERGE instead of PUT, see the following link:
A MERGE request updates selected properties of the entity; In a PUT request, an existing entity is essentially replaced with a new instance of the entity with property values from the client.
You obviously need the payload:
{ Country ‘England’ }
and the palyload type:
Content-Type application/json
And the final choice is between Host PassGuide and Accept: application/json, and clearly the Host is the right answer since we’re sending a message, not receiving it (plus the service address does not include the host, so we need to include it separately).
There is also a similar request being compsed in this link: