Which action should you take?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
To access employee data from PassGuideDB ADO.NET Entity Framework is used to model

PassGuideApp is deployed to server PassGuideSrv.
PassGuideApp uses files that are used as resources in the application.
These files are used for mapping and modeling.
Later in the project you need to adjust the conceptual model for PassGuideApp on PassGuideSrv.
Which action should you take?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
To access employee data from PassGuideDB ADO.NET Entity Framework is used to model

PassGuideApp is deployed to server PassGuideSrv.
PassGuideApp uses files that are used as resources in the application.
These files are used for mapping and modeling.
Later in the project you need to adjust the conceptual model for PassGuideApp on PassGuideSrv.
Which action should you take?



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John Galt

John Galt


Model and mapping files can be embedded as application resources or they can be copied to the output directory. By default, they are deployed as embedded application resources. When you embed model and mapping information as application resources, you must recompile and redeploy the application every time the conceptual model is updated.