Which .config connection string should you use remedy this security risk?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server 2008 database PassGuideDB on server
PassGuideApp uses a Microsoft ADO.NET SQL Server managed provider.
The application logs connection failures in a .config file. This information is a security risk
as it is stored in plain text format. Which .config connection string should you use remedy
this security risk?

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server 2008 database PassGuideDB on server
PassGuideApp uses a Microsoft ADO.NET SQL Server managed provider.
The application logs connection failures in a .config file. This information is a security risk
as it is stored in plain text format.

Which .config connection string should you use remedy this security risk?



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John Galt

John Galt

The answer seems correct. See the following link:

Data Source:
The name or network address of the instance of SQL Server to which to connect.

Initial Catalog:
The name of the database.

Persist Security Info:
When set to false or no (default & strongly recommended), security-sensitive information, such as the password, is not returned as part of the connection if the connection is open or has ever been in an open state.

Integrated Security (or Trusted_Connection ):
When false (default), User ID and Password are specified in the connection. When true, the current Windows account credentials are used for authentication.
Recognized values are true, false, yes, no, and sspi (strongly recommended), which is equivalent to true. (sspi = security support provider interface)

John Galt

John Galt


I wasted a lot of time, figuring out answers for this exam, because the questions were all screwed up. Someone took an actual VCE, and created their own questions, splitting 4 choices, into 10, or splitting 4 choices into drag and drop. Compltely fucking useless. Just download a VCE dump instead and study that.