You need to ensure that all Physical products are bound to the Physical class

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.

PassGuideApp connects to the MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
PassGuideDB has a table Products, which have information on all PassGuide products.
The Products table a column ProductType.
ProductType is either digital or physical.
The Products entity has been declared a base type.
There is an Association entity named Physical that inherits the Products base type.
You need to ensure that all Physical products are bound to the Physical class.

There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.

PassGuideApp connects to the MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
PassGuideDB has a table Products, which have information on all PassGuide products.
The Products table a column ProductType.
ProductType is either digital or physical.
The Products entity has been declared a base type.
There is an Association entity named Physical that inherits the Products base type.
You need to ensure that all Physical products are bound to the Physical class.



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