Which code do you need to add?


public class Employee
public int EmployeeID{get. set,)
public string EmployeeName (get set.)
public string City { get. set,)
public byte[] CV (get, set; )
There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
To obtain data from PassGuideDB ADO.NET LINQ to SQL model is used.
There is a class Employee. See exhibit for definition.
You need to add a collection EmployeeRelatives, with deferred loading, to Employee class.
Which code do you need to add?


public class Employee
public int EmployeeID{get. set,)
public string EmployeeName (get set.)
public string City { get. set,)
public byte[] CV (get, set; )
There is MS Visual Studio 2010 and MS .NET Framework 4 application PassGuideApp.
PassGuideApp connects to a MS SQL Server database PassGuideDB.
To obtain data from PassGuideDB ADO.NET LINQ to SQL model is used.
There is a class Employee. See exhibit for definition.
You need to add a collection EmployeeRelatives, with deferred loading, to Employee class.
Which code do you need to add?



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John Galt

John Galt

This is a duplicate of question #58, except this one is in C#, while #58 was in Visual Basic.

Also there is a mistake in the specified answer here, here’s the correct one:
public virtual List Employees { get; set; }

They reversed Employee and Employees.

Link verifying correct answer:

Declare the property that you would like to load lazily as virtual.

John Galt

John Galt

The screwed up forum removed part of my answer so I’ll post it again:
public virtual List LT Employee GT Employees { get; set; }

Replace LT and GT with less than and greater than signs. The stupid forum does not allow using those.