How do you call a model-defined function as static method on a custom class?

How do you call a model-defined function as static method on a custom class?

How do you call a model-defined function as static method on a custom class?

Add a class to your application with a static method that does the following:
Apply an EdmFunctionAttribute to the method and ensure it accepts an IQueryable argument and
returns the results of the Execute method that is returned by the Provider

Add a class to your application with a static method that does the following:
Apply an EdmFunctionAttribute to the method and ensure it accepts IEntityWithRelationships
argument and returns the results of the Execute method that is returned by
the Provider property.

Add a class to your application with a static method that does the following:
Apply an EdmFunctionAttribute to the method and ensure it accepts ICollection argument and
returns the results of the Execute method that is returned by the Provider

Add a class to your application with a static method that does the following:
Apply an EdmFunctionAttribute to the method and have it return the results of the Execute method
that is returned by the Provider property.

To call a model-defined function as static method on a custom class:
1.Add a class to your application with a static method that does the following:
– Maps to the function defined in the conceptual model. To map the method, you must apply an
EdmFunctionAttribute to the method.
Note that the NamespaceName and FunctionName parameters of the attribute are the namespace
name of the conceptual model and the function name in the conceptual model, respectively.
– Accepts an IQueryable argument.
– Returns the results of the Execute method that is returned by the Provider property.
2.Call the method as a member a static method on the custom class
– function mapping
<Function Name=”GetDetailsById”
<Parameter Name=”productID” Type=”Edm.Int32″ />
FROM AdventureWorksEntities.SalesOrderDetails AS s

WHERE s.ProductID = productID
– source code
public partial class AdventureWorksEntities : ObjectContext
[EdmFunction(“AdventureWorksModel”, “GetDetailsById”)]
public IQueryable<SalesOrderDetail> GetDetailsById(int productId)
return this.QueryProvider.CreateQuery<SalesOrderDetail>(Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(productId, typeof(int))));
How to: Call Model-Defined Functions as Object Methods
How to: Call Model-Defined Functions in Queries

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