You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to create an application.
The application connects to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database.
You use the ADO.NET Entity Framework to model your entities. You use ADO.NET self-tracking entities.
You need to ensure that the change-tracking information for the self-tracking entities can be used to update the database.
Which ObjectContext method should you call after changes are made to the entities?
ApplyChanges takes the changes in a connected set of entities and applies them to an ObjectContext.
Starting with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, the ADO.NET Self-Tracking Entity Generator template generates self-tracking entities.
This template item generates two .tt (text template) files: <model name>.tt and <model name>
The <model name>.tt file generates the entity types and a helper class that contains the change-tracking logic that is used
by self-tracking entities and the extension methods that allow setting state on self-tracking entities.
The <model name> file generates a typed ObjectContext and an extension class that contains ApplyChanges methods
for the ObjectContext and ObjectSet classes. These methods examine the change-tracking information that is contained in the graph
of self-tracking entities to infer the set of operations that must be performed to save the changes in the database.Working with Self-Tracking Entities