Which URL should you use for the query?

You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services service. You deploy the service to the following URL: http://contoso.com/Northwind.svc. You want to query the WCF Data Services service to retrieve a list of customer objects. You need to ensure that the query meets the following requirements: “Only customers that match the following filter criteria are retrieved: City=”Seattle” AND Level > 200. “Data is sorted in ascending order by the ContactName and Address properties. Which URL should you use for the query?

You use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 to create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Data Services service. You deploy the service to the following URL: http://contoso.com/Northwind.svc. You want to query the WCF Data Services service to retrieve a list of customer objects. You need to ensure that the query meets the following requirements: “Only customers that match the following filter criteria are retrieved: City=”Seattle” AND Level > 200. “Data is sorted in ascending order by the ContactName and Address properties. Which URL should you use for the query?

http: //contoso.com/Northwind.svc/Customers?City=Seattle & Level gt 200 & $orderby=ContactName,Address

http: //contoso.com/Northwind.svc/Customers?City=Seattle & Level gt 200 & $orderby=ContactName and Address

http: //contoso.com/Northwind.svc/Customers?$filter=City eq ‘Seattle’ and Level gt 200 & $orderby=ContactName,Address

http: //contoso.com/Northwind.svc/Customers?$filter=City eq ‘Seattle’ and Level gt 200 & $orderby=ContactName and Address

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