Which two additional actions should you still perform to enable Certkiller App12 to receive events asynchronously?

You work as the application developer at Domain.com.
You are developing a new application named Certkiller App12.
Certkiller App12 must be configured to receive events asynchronously.
You define two instances named Wq1EventQuery and ManagementEventWatcher respectively.
Wq1EventQuery will list those events and event conditions for which Certkiller App12 should respond. ManagementEventWatcher will subscribe to all events matching the query.
Which two additional actions should you still perform to enable Certkiller App12 to receive events asynchronously?
Choose two correct answers. Each answer presents only part of the complete solution.

You work as the application developer at Domain.com.
You are developing a new application named Certkiller App12.
Certkiller App12 must be configured to receive events asynchronously.
You define two instances named Wq1EventQuery and ManagementEventWatcher respectively.
Wq1EventQuery will list those events and event conditions for which Certkiller App12 should respond. ManagementEventWatcher will subscribe to all events matching the query.
Which two additional actions should you still perform to enable Certkiller App12 to receive events asynchronously?
Choose two correct answers. Each answer presents only part of the complete solution.

Call the Start method of the ManagementEventWatcher to start listening for events.

To configure a listener for events, use the EventArrived event of the ManagementEventWatcher.

To wait for the events, use the WaitFor NextEvent method of the ManagementEventWatcher.

Create an event handler class that contains a method which receives an ObjectReadyEventArgs parameter.

Use the Stopped event of the ManagementEventWatcher to configure a listener for events.

The ManagementEventWatcher will not start to listen (hence the app cannot respond to Async messages) until the start method is called. Once the ManagementEventWatcher is listening it will trigger an EventArrived event every time an event occurs that matches the query. You should provide a listener for the EventArrived event to perform any custom handling.
WaitForNextEvent method is synchronous i.e the current thread will wait until a matching event occurs
ObjectReadyEventArgs holds data for the ObjectReadyEvent. The Stopped event is triggered when the ManagmentEventWatcher cancels it’s subscription i.e is no longer interested in receiving notification of events.

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I agree with the answer. AB