What element should you add?

You have recently created a business application that references another strong-named assembly named
library.dll, and deployed it to all Domain.com users.
Subsequent to testing the applications performance, you elect to upgrade the assembly’s version to
You need to ensure that the new version of will not affect any of Domain.com’s current users
by adding the appropriate element to the assemblyBinding element in the application configuration file.
What element should you add?

You have recently created a business application that references another strong-named assembly named
library.dll, and deployed it to all Domain.com users.
Subsequent to testing the applications performance, you elect to upgrade the assembly’s version to
You need to ensure that the new version of will not affect any of Domain.com’s current users
by adding the appropriate element to the assemblyBinding element in the application configuration file.
What element should you add?

<assemblyIdentity name=”Library” publicKeyToken=”32ab4bc45e90a1″ culture=”neutral” />
<redirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />

<assemblyIdentity name=”Library” publicKeyToken=”32ab4bc45e90a1″ culture=”neutral” />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />

<assemblyIdentity name=”Library” publicKeyToken=”32ab4bc45e90a1″ culture=”neutral” oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />

<bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”″ />


This dependentAssembly element specifies the assembly identity information using the assemblyIdentity element.
The name attribute of the assemblyIdentity element indicates the common name of the assembly.
The publicKeyToken attribute specifies the strong-named key, and the culture attribute indicates the localization type.
The bindingRedirect element is a subelement of the dependentAssembly element that specifies the oldVersion and newVersion attributes.
Setting the oldVersion attribute to and the newVersion attribute to means that any users referencing the version of the Library will now be referencing the version.

Incorrect Answers:
A: You should not use the element that specifies the redirect element because there is no such subelement of the assemblyBinding element.
C: You should not use the element that specifies the assemblyIdentity element because this is required information when adding dependentAssembly elements.
D: You should not use the element that specifies the bindingRedirect element because there are no such attributes as oldVersion and newVersion attributes for the assemblyIdentity element.

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