Which code segment should you use?

You are creating a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site.

The site has five audiences. A user might belong to more than one of the five audiences.

You need to obtain a list of audience names for the current user.

Which code segment should you use?

You are creating a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site.

The site has five audiences. A user might belong to more than one of the five audiences.

You need to obtain a list of audience names for the current user.

Which code segment should you use?

private void ListAudienceNames()

AudienceLoader al = AudienceLoader.GetAudienceLoader();
AudienceManager am = am.CurrentServerContext;
ArrayList audiences = al.GetUserAudienceIDs(true);
foreach (object audience in audiences)
Audience a = am.Audiences[(Guid)audience];
(“Audience: ” + audience.ToString());


private void ListAudienceNames()

using (SPWeb web = SPWeb.OriginalBaseUrl )
SPUser user = web.CurrentUser;
AudienceManager am = am.CurrentServerContext;
AudienceCollection audiences = am.Audiences;
foreach (Audience a in audiences)
if (a.IsMember(user.LoginName))
(“Audience: ” + AudienceName);


private void ListAudienceNames()

string user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
SPWeb web = SPWeb.OriginalBaseUrl;
AudienceManager am = am.CurrentServerContext;
ArrayList audList = am.GetUserAudienceIDs(user, false, web);
foreach (object obj in audList)
Audience a = (Audience)obj;
(“Audience: ” + a.AudienceName);


private void ListAudienceNames()

using (SPWeb web = SPWeb.OriginalBaseUrl )
string user = web.CurrentUser.Name;
AudienceManager am = am.CurrentServerContext;
foreach (Audience a in am.Audiences)
if (am.IsMemberOfAudience(user, a.AudienceName))
(“Audience: ” + a.AudienceName);


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