Which tool should you use?

Your company has a branch office that is configured as a separate Active Directory site and
has an Active Directory domain controller.
The Active Directory site requires a local Global Catalog server to support a new application.
You need to configure the domain controller as a Global Catalog server.
Which tool should you use?

Your company has a branch office that is configured as a separate Active Directory site and
has an Active Directory domain controller.
The Active Directory site requires a local Global Catalog server to support a new application.
You need to configure the domain controller as a Global Catalog server.
Which tool should you use?

The Server Manager console

The Active Directory Sites and Services console

The Dcpromo.exe utility

The Computer Management console

The Active Directory Domains and Trusts console

Answer) The Active Directory Sites and Services console
Configure a domain controller as a global catalog server
To configure a domain controller as a global catalog server
1. Open Active Directory Sites and Services.

Further information:
What Is the Global Catalog?
The global catalog is a distributed data repository that contains a searchable, partial
representation of every object in every domain in a multidomain Active Directory Domain
Services (AD DS) forest. The global catalog is stored on domain controllers that have been
designated as global catalog servers and is distributed through multimaster replication.
Searches that are directed to the global catalog are faster because they do not involve
referrals to different domain controllers.
In addition to configuration and schema directory partition replicas, every domain controller
in a forest stores a full, writable replica of a single domain directory partition. Therefore, a
domain controller can locate only the objects in its domain. Locating an object in a different
domain would require the user or application to provide the domain of the requested object.
The global catalog provides the ability to locate objects from any domain without having to
know the domain name. A global catalog server is a domain controller that, in addition to its
full, writable domain directory partition replica, also stores a partial, read-only replica of all
other domain directory partitions in the forest. The additional domain directory partitions are
partial because only a limited set of attributes is included for each object. By including only
the attributes that are most used for searching, every object in every domain in even the
largest forest can be represented in the database of a single global catalog server.
Note: A global catalog server can also store a full, writable replica of an application directory
partition, but objects in application directory partitions are not replicated to the global catalog
as partial, read-only directory partitions.
The global catalog is built and updated automatically by the AD DS replication system. The
attributes that are replicated to the global catalog are identified in the schema as the partial
attribute set (PAS) and are defined by default by Microsoft. However, to optimize searching,
you can edit the schema by adding or removing attributes that are stored in the global
In Windows 2000 Server environments, any change to the PAS results in full synchronization
(update of all attributes) of the global catalog. Later versions of Windows Server reduce the
impact of updating the global catalog by replicating only the attributes that change.
In a single-domain forest, a global catalog server stores a full, writable replica of the domain
and does not store any partial replica. A global catalog server in a single-domain forest

functions in the same manner as a nonglobal-catalog server except for the processing of
forest-wide searches.

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