You need to ensure that all the failover traffic goes through Network 3.

Failover Cluster with Clustered Shared Volumes enabled. 2 Virtual machines and 5 networks.
Network metrics 1,000 – 10,1000 (you see the table) You need to ensure that all the failover traffic
goes through Network 3.

Failover Cluster with Clustered Shared Volumes enabled. 2 Virtual machines and 5 networks.
Network metrics 1,000 – 10,1000 (you see the table) You need to ensure that all the failover traffic
goes through Network 3.

On Failover Cluster Manager modify the properties of VM1 and VM2

On Hyper V Manager modify the properties of VM1 and VM2

set the metrics to 500

set the metrics to 10,200

Overriding Network Prioritization Behavior There are two ways to override the default behavior of
NP. The first is by changing the network’s properties by right-clicking on the network in Failover
Cluster Manager, selecting Properties, and changing the radio buttons or checkboxes.

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