What should you recommend?

A corporate environment includes Exchange Server 2010 SP1 deployed in a primary datacenter and
in a secondary datacenter. The datacenters are in separate Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
sites. Each datacenter includes AD DS domain controllers, Global Catalog servers, DNS servers, and
two Mailbox servers. The primary datacenter contains one file share witness. All Mailbox servers are
members of one database availability group (DAG). Each datacenter has independent Internet
access. A dedicated high-speed network connection exists between the datacenters.
You are designing a failover plan. You have the following requirements:
• Provide a highly available solution in the event that the primary datacenter fails.
• Provide mailbox access for employees through the secondary datacenter.
• Ensure that each Mailbox database is active in only one location at a time.
• Ensure that failback to the primary datacenter completes gracefully.
You need to design a solution that meets the requirements.
What should you recommend?

A corporate environment includes Exchange Server 2010 SP1 deployed in a primary datacenter and
in a secondary datacenter. The datacenters are in separate Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)
sites. Each datacenter includes AD DS domain controllers, Global Catalog servers, DNS servers, and
two Mailbox servers. The primary datacenter contains one file share witness. All Mailbox servers are
members of one database availability group (DAG). Each datacenter has independent Internet
access. A dedicated high-speed network connection exists between the datacenters.
You are designing a failover plan. You have the following requirements:
• Provide a highly available solution in the event that the primary datacenter fails.
• Provide mailbox access for employees through the secondary datacenter.
• Ensure that each Mailbox database is active in only one location at a time.
• Ensure that failback to the primary datacenter completes gracefully.
You need to design a solution that meets the requirements.
What should you recommend?

Configure the AutoDatabaseMountDial property to Lossless on all Mailbox servers before an
outage occurs. During an outage, ensure that all Exchange services in the primary datacenter are
running, validate the health of the secondary datacenter Exchange servers, and restart the
secondary datacenter Mailbox servers.

Configure the AutoDatabaseMountDial property to BestAvailability on all Mailbox servers before
an outage occurs. During an outage, stop and disable any running Exchange services in the primary
datacenter, validate the health of the secondary datacenter Exchange servers, and restart the
secondary datacenter Mailbox servers.

Enable datacenter activation coordination (DAC) mode before an outage occurs. During an
outage, stop and disable any running Exchange services in the primary datacenter, validate the
health of the secondary datacenter Exchange servers, and activate the secondary datacenter
Mailbox servers.

Disable datacenter activation coordination (DAC) mode before an outage occurs. During an
outage, ensure that all Exchange services in the primary datacenter are running, validate the health
of the secondary datacenter Exchange servers, and activate the secondary datacenter Mailbox

Understanding Datacenter Activation Coordination Mode
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP1
Topic Last Modified: 2011-05-26
Datacenter Activation Coordination (DAC) mode is a property setting for a database availability
group (DAG).
DAC mode is disabled by default and should be enabled for all DAGs with two or more members that
use continuous replication. DAC mode shouldn’t be enabled for DAGs in third-party replication mode
unless specified by the third-party vendor.
If a catastrophic failure occurs that affects the DAG (for example, a complete failure of one of the
datacenters), DAC mode is used to control the startup database mount behavior of a DAG. When
DAC mode isn’t enabled, and a failure occurs that affects multiple servers in the DAG, when a
majority of the DAG members are restored after the failure, the DAG will restart and attempt to
mount databases. In a multi-datacenter configuration, this behavior could cause split brain
syndrome, a condition that occurs when all networks fail, and DAG members can’t receive heartbeat
signals from each other. Split brain syndrome can also occur when network connectivity is severed
between the datacenters. Split brain syndrome is prevented by always requiring a majority of the
DAG members (and in the case of DAGs with an even number of members, the DAG’s witness server)
to be available and interacting for the DAG to be operational. When a majority of the members are
communicating, the DAG is said to have quorum.
For example, consider a scenario where the first datacenter contains two DAG members and the
witness server, and the second datacenter contains two other DAG members. If the first datacenter
loses power and you activate the DAG in the second datacenter (for example, by activating the
alternate witness server in the second datacenter), if the first datacenter is restored without
network connectivity to the second datacenter, the active databases within the DAG may enter a
split brain condition.
How DAC Mode Works DAC mode is designed to prevent split brain from occurring by including a
protocol called Datacenter Activation Coordination Protocol (DACP). After a catastrophic failure,
when the DAG recovers, it won’t automatically mount databases even though the DAG has a
quorum. Instead DACP is used to determine the current state of the DAG and whether Active
Manager should attempt to mount the databases.
You might think of DAC mode as an application level of quorum for mounting databases. To
understand the purpose of DACP and how it works, it’s important to understand the primary
scenario it’s intended to deal with. Consider the two-datacenter scenario. Suppose there is a
complete power failure in the primary datacenter. In this event, all of the servers and the WAN are
down, so the organization makes the decision to activate the standby datacenter. In almost all such

recovery scenarios, when power is restored to the primary datacenter, WAN connectivity is typically
not immediately restored.
This means that the DAG members in the primary datacenter will power up, but they won’t be able
to communicate with the DAG members in the activated standby datacenter. The primary
datacenter should always contain the majority of the DAG quorum voters, which means that when
power is restored, even in the absence of WAN connectivity to the DAG members in the standby
datacenter, the DAG members in the primary datacenter have a majority and therefore have
This is a problem because with quorum, these servers may be able to mount their databases, which
in turn would cause divergence from the actual active databases that are now mounted in the
activated standby datacenter. DACP was created to address this issue. Active Manager stores a bit in
memory (either a 0 or a 1) that tells the DAG whether it’s allowed to mount local databases that are
assigned as active on the server. When a DAG is running in DAC mode (which would be any DAG with
three or more members), each time Active Manager starts up the bit is set to 0, meaning it isn’t
allowed to mount databases. Because it’s in DAC mode, the server must try to communicate with all
other members of the DAG that it knows to get another DAG member to give it an answer as to
whether it can mount local databases that are assigned as active to it. The answer comes in the form
of the bit setting for other Active Managers in the DAG. If another server responds that its bit is set
to 1, it means servers are allowed to mount databases, so the server starting up sets its bit to 1 and
mounts its databases.
But when you recover from a primary datacenter power outage where the servers are recovered but
WAN connectivity has not been restored, all of the DAG members in the primary datacenter will
have a DACP bit value of 0; and therefore none of the servers starting back up in the recovered
primary datacenter will mount databases, because none of them can communicate with a DAG
member that has a DACP bit value of 1.
DAC Mode for DAGs with Two Members DAGs with two members have inherent limitations that
prevent the DACP bit alone from fully protecting against application-level split brain syndrome. For
DAGs with only two members, DAC mode also uses the boot time of the DAG’s alternate witness
server to determine whether it can mount databases on startup. The boot time of the alternate
witness server is compared to the time when the DACP bit was set to 1.
If the time the DACP bit was set is earlier than the boot time of the alternate witness server, the
system assumes that the DAG member and witness server were rebooted at the same time (perhaps
because of power loss in the primary datacenter), and the DAG member isn’t permitted to mount
If the time that the DACP bit was set is more recent than the boot time of the alternate witness
server, the system assumes that the DAG member was rebooted for some other reason (perhaps a
scheduled outage in which maintenance was performed or perhaps a system crash or power loss
isolated to the DAG member), and the DAG member is permitted to mount databases.
Because the alternate witness server’s boot time is used to determine whether a DAG member can
mount its active databases on startup, you should never restart the alternate witness server and the
sole DAG member at the same time. Doing so may leave the DAG member in a state where it cannot
mount databases on startup. If this happens, you must run the Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
cmdlet on the DAG. This resets the DACP bit and permits the DAG member to mount databases.
Other Benefits of DAC Mode In addition to preventing split brain syndrome at the application level,
DAC mode also enables the use of the built-in site resilience cmdlets used to perform datacenter
switchovers. These include the following: Stop-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup RestoreDatabaseAvailabilityGroup Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup Performing a datacenter switchover for

DAGs that are not in DAC mode involves using a combination of Exchange tools and cluster
management tools.
For more information about datacenter switchovers, see Datacenter Switchovers.
Enabling DAC Mode DAC mode can be enabled only by using the Exchange Management Shell.
Specifically, you can use the Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup cmdlet to enable and disable DAC mode,
as illustrated in the following example.
Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -Identity DAG2 -DatacenterActivationMode DagOnly
In the preceding example, a DAG named DAG2 is enabled for DAC mode.
For more information about enabling DAC mode, see Configure Database Availability Group
Properties and Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup.

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