Which statements are true regarding single row functions?

Which statements are true regarding single row functions? (Choose all that apply.)

Which statements are true regarding single row functions? (Choose all that apply.)

MOD : returns the quotient of a division

TRUNC : can be used with NUMBER and DATE values

CONCAT : can be used to combine any number of values

SYSDATE : returns the database server current date and time

INSTR : can be used to find only the first occurrence of a character in a string

TRIM : can be used to remove all the occurrences of a character from a string

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Ivan Ticona

Ivan Ticona

Why C, E and F are not ritgh??

Ivan Ticona

Ivan Ticona

Why C, E, F aren’t correct?



Concat – you can concatenate only 2 values
Instr – can be used to find 1st, 2nd etc. occurence of character in string
Trim – you can remove only leading and trailing characters