You need to ensure that you can run Windows XP Mode in Windows 7

You perform a clean installation of Windows 7 on a computer.
You need to ensure that you can run Windows XP Mode in Windows 7.
What should you do?

You perform a clean installation of Windows 7 on a computer.
You need to ensure that you can run Windows XP Mode in Windows 7.
What should you do?

Enable hardware-assisted virtualization.

Create a Data Execution Prevention (DEP) exception.

Install Windows XP in the same partition as Windows 7.

Install Windows XP in a different partition than Windows 7.

Windows XP Mode requires a processor that supports hardware virtualization using either the AMDV or Intel VT options. Most processors have this option disabled by default; to enable it, you must do
so from the computer’s BIOS. After the setting has been configured, it is necessary to turn the
computer off completely. The setting is not enabled if you perform a warm reboot after configuring
BIOS. As 256 MB of RAM must be mallocated to the Windows XP Mode client, the computer running
Windows 7 on which you deploy Windows XP Mode requires a minimum of 2 GB of RAM, which is
more than the 1 GB of RAM Windows 7 hardware requirement.

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