Which of the following formats will you use to prevent a pasted object from degrading?

Which of the following formats will you use to prevent a pasted object from degrading?

Which of the following formats will you use to prevent a pasted object from degrading?

Microsoft Office Graphic Object

Picture (Enhanced Metafile)

Picture (Windows Metafile)

Device Independent Bitmap

The Enhanced Metafile format is a 32-bit format. It is an original version of the Windows Metafile
format. It is a device independent format, which is used to reduce network traffic. It is also used as a
graphics language for printer drivers.
Answer option D is incorrect. The Device Independent Bitmap format is used to allow bitmaps to
move from one device to another smoothly.
Answer option C is incorrect. The Windows Metafile format is used to store a list of function calls
and vector data. It is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 2.0. It provides full support for Graphics
Device Interface commands.

Answer option A is incorrect. The Microsoft Office Graphic Object format contains description of
objects. It can be converted into image format by using rasterization.

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