Which of the following types of query is commonly useful when queries are used as the basis for a report that is run periodically, but with different values at different times?

Which of the following types of query is commonly useful when queries are used as the basis for a
report that is run periodically, but with different values at different times?

Which of the following types of query is commonly useful when queries are used as the basis for a
report that is run periodically, but with different values at different times?

Action query

Parameter query

Crosstab query

Select query

A parameter query prompts a user for information to be used in the query. For example, a range of
dates. This type of query is commonly useful when queries are used as the basis for a report that is
run periodically, but with different values at different times.
Answer D is incorrect. A select query is a simple type of query that is commonly used in Microsoft
Office Access 2007. This query retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the results in a
datasheet. A user can use a select query to group records and calculate sum, counts, averages, and
other types of totals. The user can also work with the results of a select query in the Datasheet view
to update records in one or more related tables at the same time.
Answer A is incorrect. An action query is used to update multiple records in one operation. It is a
form of select query that performs an action on the results of the selection process. There are four
types of action queries available in Microsoft Office Access 2007, which are as follows:
1.Delete queries: A delete query allows to delete records from one or more tables.
2.Update queries: An update query allows to modify fields. This is used to update a field with an
expression or data from another table.
3.Append queries: An append query allows to add records from one or more tables to the end of one
or more other tables.
4.Make-table queries: A make-table query allows to create a new table from all or part of the data in
one or more tables.
Answer C is incorrect. A crosstab query is a powerful analysis tool used to see the relationship of
data between two fields. It calculates and restructures data for easier analysis. A user can use a
crosstab query to calculate a sum, average, count, or other type of total for data that is grouped by
two types of information- one down the left side of the datasheet and one across the top. The cell at
the junction of each row and column displays the results of the query’s calculation. This view is just
like a spreadsheet with unique values of one field as rows, unique values of another field as columns,
and the summary of another field as the cells in the matrix.

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Action query: delete, update, append, make table