Which of the following statements regarding the advantages and disadvantages of application
state server-based methodologies are TRUE? (Choose ALL that apply)
State server-based methodologies are accessible to all the pages in a Web application and only
require keeping a single copy of information.
State server-based methodologies define the number and order of child elements, default
values for elements and attributes, the data types for elements and attributes and attributes which
do not load in a document.
State server-based methodologies require the application state variables should be used only
with small and infrequently changed datasets.
State server-based methodologies utilized to define default values for elements and attributes,
fixed values for elements and attributes and elements attributes not loading in the document.
State server-based methodologies utilized to define default values for elements and attributes,
fixed values for elements and attributes and elements attributes not loading in the document.
Application developers should note that the application state is a collection of userdefined variables that are shared by an ASP.NET application and are additionally set and
initialized when applications call the Application_OnStart event till the last instance closses.
Developers should also note that application state variables are accessed using the Applications
collection which uses the provided wrapper for the application state variables.