What is the maximum cable length supported by Ultra160 SCSI?
1,5 meters (5 ft)
3 meters (10 ft)
6 meters (20 ft)
12 meters (40 ft)
Ultra2 SCSI, Wide Ultra2 SCSI, Ultra160 SCSI, Ultra320 SCSI and Ultra640 SCSI have a maximum cable length of 40 feet (12 meters).
Incorrect Answers:
A: Ultra Wide SCSI as well as Ultra SCSI and has the shortest maximum cable length of only 5 feet (1,5 meters).
B: Fast SCSI as well as Wide Fast SCSI has a maximum cable length of 10 feet (3 meters).
C: SCSI-1 as well as SCSI-2, which is also known as Wide SCSI, has a maximum cable length of 20 feet (6 meters).
Charles J. Brooks, Server+ Certification Exam Cram 2 (Exam SK0-002), QUE Publishing, Indianapolis, 2006, pp. 143-147.