You work as a DBA for a company and as a performance improvement measure, you implemented the result cache in your database. Many users in the company say that performance has improved on the queries they use, but some users complain that they have not got any performance benefit on the queries they use. You checked all the queries they use and the following is one of them:
SQL> SELECT /*+ RESULT_CACHE */ slnoq.currval as “SLNO”, prod_id, pdname, cust_name
FROM sales WHERE sl_date < sysdate;
View the Exhibit and examine the testing performed to check this.
Why is the result cache not used? (Choose all that apply.)
because the query uses SYSDATE
because the query uses an alias for a column
because the query uses the SLNOQ.CURRVAL sequence
because the table might have an index on the SL_DATE column