what type of hackers?

Of the various types of “Hackers” that exist, the ones who are not worried about being caught and spending
time in jail and have a total disregard for the law or police force, are labeled as what type of hackers?

Of the various types of “Hackers” that exist, the ones who are not worried about being caught and spending
time in jail and have a total disregard for the law or police force, are labeled as what type of hackers?

Suicide Hackers

Black Hat Hackers

White Hat Hackers

Gray Hat Hackers

Suicide Hackers are a type of hackers without fear, who disregard the authority, the police, or law. Suicide
Hackers hack for a cause important to them and find the end goal more important than their individual freedom.
The term “Hacker” originally meant a Unix computer enthusiast but has been villainized in the media as a
“Criminal Hacker” for a mass audience. A hacker used to be known as a good person who would add
functionality within software or would make things work better. To most people today “Hacker” means criminal
“Criminal Cracker”, it is synonymous with Cracker or someone who get access to a system without the owner
authorization. As seen in news reports in 2011 and later hackers associated with the “Anonymous” movementhave attacked finance and/or credit card companies, stolen enough information to make contributions to worthy
charities on behalf of organizations they see as contrary to the public good. These sorts of attackers/hackers
could be considered suicide hackers. Some did get caught and prosecuted while carrying out their cause.
Nobody can know if they knew their activities would land them in court and/or prison but they had to have
known of the risk and proceeded anyway.
Incorrect Answers:
B: Black Hat hackers are also known as crackers and are merely hackers who “violates computer security for
little reason beyond maliciousness or for personal gain”. Black Hat Hackers are “the epitome of all that the
public fears in a computer criminal”. Black Hat Hackers break into secure networks to destroy data or make the
network unusable for those who are authorized to use the network.
C: White Hat Hackers are law-abiding, reputable experts defending assets and not breaking laws. A white hat
hacker breaks security for nonmalicious reasons, for instance testing their own security system. The term
“white hat” in Internet slang refers to an ethical hacker. This classification also includes individuals who perform
penetration tests and vulnerability assessments within a contractual agreement. Often, this type of ‘white hat’
hacker is called an ethical hacker. The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants, also known
as the ECCouncil has developed certifications, courseware, classes, and online training covering the diverse
arena of Ethical Hacking. Note about White Hat: As reported by Adin Kerimov, a white hat would not be worried
about going to jail as he is doing a test with authorization as well and he has a signed agreement. While this is
a true point he BEST choice is Suicide Hackers for the purpose of the exam, a white hat hacker would not
disregard law and the authority.
D: Gray Hat Hackers work both offensively and defensively and can cross the border between legal/ethical
behavior and illegal/unethical behavior. A grey hat hacker is a combination of a Black Hat and a White Hat
Hacker. A Grey Hat Hacker may surf the internet and hack into a computer system for the sole purpose of
notifying the administrator that their system has been hacked, for example. Then they may offer to repair their
system for a small fee.
Elite hacker is a social status among hackers, elite is used to describe the most skilled. Newly discovered
exploits will circulate among these hackers. Elite groups such as Masters of Deception conferred a kind of
credibility on their members. Script kiddie A script kiddie(or skiddie) is a non-expert who breaks into computer
systems by using pre-packaged automated tools written by others, usually with little understanding of the
underlying concept—hence the term script (i.e. a prearranged plan or set of activities) kiddie (i.e. kid, child—an
individual lacking knowledge and experience, immature). Often time they do not even understand how they are
taken advantage of the system, they do not understand the weakness being exploited, all they know is how to
use a tool that someone else has built. Neophyte A neophyte, “n00b”, or “newbie” is someone who is new to
hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology, and hacking.
Hacktivist A hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes technology to announce a social, ideological, religious, or political
message. In general, most hacktivism involves website defacement or denial-of-service attacks.
2011. ECCOUNCIL Official Curriculum, Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures, v7.1, Module 1,
Page. 15.

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