Crackers today are MOST often motivated by their desire to:

Crackers today are MOST often motivated by their desire to:

Crackers today are MOST often motivated by their desire to:

Help the community in securing their networks.

Seeing how far their skills will take them.

Getting recognition for their actions.

Gaining Money or Financial Gains.

A few years ago the best choice for this question would have been seeing how far their skills can take them.
Today this has changed greatly, most crimes committed are financially motivated. Profit is the most widespread
motive behind all cybercrimes and, indeed, most crimes- everyone wants to make money. Hacking for money
or for free services includes a smorgasbord of crimes such as embezzlement, corporate espionage and being a
“hacker for hire”. Scams are easier to undertake but the likelihood of success is much lower. Money-seekers
come from any lifestyle but those with persuasive skills make better con artists in the same way as those who
are exceptionally tech-savvy make better “hacks for hire”. “White hats” are the security specialists (as opposed
to Black Hats) interested in helping the community in securing their networks.
They will test systems and network with the owner authorization. A Black Hat is someone who uses his skills for
offensive purpose. They do not seek authorization before they attempt to comprise the security mechanisms in
place. “Grey Hats” are people who sometimes work as a White hat and other times they will work as a “Black
Hat”, they have not made up their mind yet as to which side they prefer to be. The following are incorrect
answers: All the other choices could be possible reasons but the best one today is really for financial gains.

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