Your store is selling two items for $1.00. Each item has a different Item Lookup Code and sells for
$0.59 individually. How should Store Operations be configured if the customer is required to
purchase both items or two of one of the items to receive the discount?
Create a “Buy X and get Y for Z” Quantity Discount with a Quantity of 2 and a Unit Price of
$1.00. Then assign the discount to both items.
Create a “Buy X and get Y for Z” Quantity Discount with a Quantity of 2 and a Unit Price of
$0.50. Then assign the items to the discount.
Create a “Mix and match” Quantity Discount with a Quantity of 2 and a Unit Price of $0.50.
Then assign the discount to both items.
Create a “Mix and match” Quantity Discount with a Quantity of 2 and a Unit Price of $1.00.
Then assign the items to the discount.