What is most likely causing the slower connections and rapid database growth?

You have recently made some configuration changes in Headquarters Manager. Since then, you
have noticed the completion time for connections from the store to the head office has increased.
Your database administrator has also reported the Headquarters database is growing more
rapidly than prior to the changes. What is most likely causing the slower connections and rapid
database growth?

You have recently made some configuration changes in Headquarters Manager. Since then, you
have noticed the completion time for connections from the store to the head office has increased.
Your database administrator has also reported the Headquarters database is growing more
rapidly than prior to the changes. What is most likely causing the slower connections and rapid
database growth?

The “Automatically create inter-store receive inventory order Configuration option is marked

The Monthly Closing Day was changed from a 1 to 31 for the billing cycle

The “Automatically create inter-store issue inventory order” Configuration option is marked

The “Upload sales journals to Headquarters” Configuration option was marked

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