It has become necessary to configure an existing serial interface to accept a second Frame Relay
virtual circuit. Which of the following are required to solve this? (Choose three)
configure static frame relay map entries for each subinterface network.
remove the ip address from the physical interface
create the virtual interfaces with the interface command
configure each subinterface with its own IP address
disable split horizon to prevent routing loops between the subinterface networks
encapsulate the physical interface with multipoint PPP
To configure subinterface for Frame Relay, first we have to remove the IP address from the physical interface and choose a Frame Relay encapsulation. An example of configuring Frame Relay on a subinterface is shown below:
interface Serial0/1.12 point-to-point
ip address
frame-relay interface-dlci 304
To configure Frame Relay SVCs on a subinterface … After the physical interface is configured, use the following commands beginning in global configuration mode:
1) Specify a subinterface configured for SVC operation.
2) Specifies the subinterface IP address, if needed.
3) Assigns a map group to the subinterface.
To configure subinterface for Frame Relay, first we have to remove the IP address from the physical interface and choose a Frame Relay encapsulation. An example of configuring Frame Relay on a subinterface is shown below:
interface Serial0/1.12 point-to-point
ip address
frame-relay interface-dlci 304
IP – interface
No static, PPP, horizon