What is needed to allow communication between the VLANs?

On a corporate network, hosts on the same VLAN can communicate with each other, but they are
unable to communicate with hosts on different VLANs. What is needed to allow communication
between the VLANs?

On a corporate network, hosts on the same VLAN can communicate with each other, but they are
unable to communicate with hosts on different VLANs. What is needed to allow communication
between the VLANs?

a router with subinterfaces configured on the physical interface that is connected to the switch

a router with an IP address on the physical interface connected to the switch

a switch with an access link that is configured between the switches

a switch with a trunk link that is configured between the switches

Different VLANs can’t communicate with each other , they can communicate with the help of
Layer3 router. Hence , it is needed to connect a router to a switch , then make the sub-interface on
the router to connect to the switch, establishing Trunking links to achieve communications of
devices which belong to different VLANs.
When using VLANs in networks that have multiple interconnected switches, you need to use
VLAN trunking between the switches. With VLAN trunking, the switches tag each frame sent
between switches so that the receiving switch knows to what VLAN the frame belongs. End user
devices connect to switch ports that provide simple connectivity to a single VLAN each. The
attached devices are unaware of any VLAN structure.
By default, only hosts that are members of the same VLAN can communicate. To change this and
allow inter-VLAN communication, you need a router or a layer 3 switch.
Here is the example of configuring the router for inter-vlan communication
RouterA(config)#int f0/0.1
RouterA(config-subif)#encapsulation ?
dot1Q IEEE 802.1Q Virtual LAN
RouterA(config-subif)#encapsulation dot1Q or isl VLAN ID
RouterA(config-subif)# ip address x.x.x.x y.y.y.y

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