A network associate is adding security to the configuration of the Corp1 router. The user on
host C should be able to use a web browser to access financial information from the Finance
Web Server. No other hosts from the LAN nor the Core should be able to use a web browser
to access this server. Since there are multiple resources for the corporation at this location
including other resources on the Finance Web Server, all other traffic should be allowed.
The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three statements that will
allow ONLY host C web access to the Finance Web Server. No other hosts will have web
access to the Finance Web Server. All other traffic is permitted.
Access to the router CLI can be gained by clicking on the appropriate host.
All passwords have been temporarily set to “cisco”.
The Core connection uses an IP address of
The computers in the Hosts LAN have been assigned addresses of –
Host A
Host B
Host C
Host D
The servers in the Server LAN have been assigned addresses of –
The Finance Web Server is assigned an IP address of
Answer: See the explanation
Select the console on Corp1 router
Configuring ACL
Corp1#configure terminal
comment: To permit only Host C ({source addr} to access finance server
address ( {destination addr} on port number 80 (web)
Corp1(config)#access-list 100 permit tcp host host eq 80
comment: To deny any source to access finance server address (
{destination addr} on port number 80 (web)
Corp1(config)#access-list 100 deny tcp any host eq 80
comment: To permit ip protocol from any source to access any destination because of the
implicit deny any any statement at the end of ACL.Corp1(config)#access-list 100 permit ip any any
Applying the ACL on the Interface
comment: Check show ip interface brief command to identify the interface type and number
by checking the IP address configured.
Corp1(config)#interface fa 0/1
If the ip address configured already is incorrect as well as the subnet mask. this should be
corrected in order ACL to work
type this commands at interface mode :
no ip address 192.x.x.x 255.x.x.x (removes incorrect configured ipaddress and subnet mask)
Configure Correct IP Address and subnet mask :
ip address ( range of address specified going to server is
given as – )
Comment: Place the ACL to check for packets going outside the interface towards the
finance web server.
Corp1(config-if)#ip access-group 100 out
Important: To save your running config to startup before exit.
Corp1#copy running-config startup-config
Verifying the Configuration:
Step1: show ip interface brief command identifies the interface on which to apply access list.
Step2: Click on each host A, B, C, & D. Host opens a web browser page, Select address box
of the web browser and type the ip address of finance web server ( to test
whether it permits /deny access to the finance web Server.
Step 3: Only Host C ( has access to the server. If the other host can also
access then maybe something went wrong in your configuration. Check whether you
configured correctly and in order.
Step 4: If only Host C ( can access the Finance Web Server you can click on
NEXT button to successfully submit the ACL SIM.