The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three statements that will allow Only host C…

The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three statements that will allow Only host C Web access to the Finance Web Server.

The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three statements that will allow Only host C Web access to the Finance Web Server.

Answer: See the explanation

Corp1#conf t
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 permit tcp host host eq www
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 deny tcp any host eq www
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 permit ip any any
Corp1(config)#int fa0/1
Corp1(config-if)#ip access-group 128 out
Corp1#copy run startup-config

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Henry P

Henry P

The source IP in the explanation is incorrect. Here the source IP for Host A was given instead of Host C. Everything else is correct.

Atif Rabbani

Atif Rabbani

I agree with Henry. The correct Explanation is given below:

Corp1#conf t
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 permit tcp host host eq www
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 deny tcp any host eq www
Corp1(config)# access-list 128 permit ip any any
Corp1(config)#int fa0/1
Corp1(config-if)#ip access-group 128 out
Corp1#copy run startup-config