What command can be used on a Cisco switch to display the virtual MAC address for the HSRP groups of which the switch is a member?
switch# show standby mac
switch# show hsrp mac
switch# show standby
switch# show standby brief
The command show standby can be used to display the virtual MAC address for HSRP groups of which a switch is a member. This command displays information
about HSRP on all configured interfaces and for all HSRP groups. It also displays hello timer information and the expiration timer for the standby switch. The
standby switch will take over as the active switch if the timer expires before it hears a heartbeat from the active switch. Below is an example of the show standby
command for the HSRP group 1:In the above output, the following can be determined:
The router is currently active for the group, as can be seen in line 2. The Active Virtual MAC address is 0006.6b45.5801, which includes the group number (1) in
the last two positions, which is why the address is different from the routers actual MAC address shown on the next line. Special Note: Some router models(Cisco 2500, 4000 and 4500) WILL NOT use this altered MAC address format, but will instead use the real MAC address for the virtual MAC address and will
display that MAC address as the virtual MAC address in the output of the show standby command. An example of the output of the show standby command on
an older router such as the 2500 would be as follows:These routers have Ethernet hardware that only recognize a single MAC address. In either case, if for some reason this router becomes the standby router, such
as due to loss of interfaces, then when the interfaces come back up it will be able to recover the active role because it is set for preemption, as shown on line 10.
The router is tracking two of its own interfaces. Because both interfaces are down, the router’s priority has been reduced by 25 (15 for Fastethernet0/2 and 10 for
Fastethernet0/3), from the configured value of 120 to 95. This data is shown on lines 13-16. The default is 10 if not otherwise specified, as is the case for
If either of the two interfaces comes back up, the priority will be increased by the amount assigned to the interface. For example, if Fastethernet0/3 comes back
up, the priority will become 105 (95 + 10).
The standby router is unreachable, which can be determined because it is marked unknown expired in line 12. This could be due to either a physical layer issue
or an HSRP misconfiguration.
The command show standby brief can be used to view summary information about HSRP groups of which the switch is a member. This information includes the
group number, priority, state, active device address, standby address, and group address. It does not include the virtual MAC address.
The commands show standby mac and show hsrp mac are invalid due to incorrect syntax.
Infrastructure Services
Configure, verify, and troubleshoot basic HSRPCisco > Cisco IOS IP Application Services Command Reference > show standby
Cisco > Cisco IOS IP Application Services Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 > Part 1: First Hop Redundancy Protocols > Configuring HSRP