Click and drag the command(s) used to configure passwords on a Cisco router to their appropriate
descriptions. (Not all options will be used.)
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Following are the commands along with their descriptions:
key-string: This command is used to configure the authentication string for a key.
neighbor password: The neighbor password command is used to activate MD5 authentication on a TCP
connection between two BGP peers. The complete syntax of this command is: neighbor { ip-address | peergroup-name } password string
service password-encryption: This command is used to encrypt passwords . When executed it will encrypt all
text clear text passwords when they are created.
The other options offered are not valid commands.Objective:
Infrastructure Security
Configure, verify, and troubleshoot basic device hardeningCisco > Cisco IOS Security Command Reference > service password-encryption
Cisco > Cisco IOS IP Routing: BGP Command Reference > neighbor password