You are implementing IP SLA and would like to use it to measure hop-by-hop response time between a Cisco
router and any IP device on the network.
Which of the following IP SLA operations would you use for this?
ICMP path echo operation
Internet Control Message Protocol Echo Operation
UDP Jitter Operation for VoIP
UDP Jitter Operation
The ICMP path echo operation discovers the path using the traceroute command, and then measures
response time between the source router and each intermittent hop in the path. IP SLAs allow users to monitor
network performance between Cisco routers or from a Cisco router to a remote IP device.
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Operation measures end-to-end response time between a
Cisco router and any IP-enabled device. Response time is computed by measuring the time taken between
sending an ICMP echo request message to the destination and receiving an ICMP echo reply. It does not
measure hop-by-hop response time.
The UDP Jitter Operation for VoIP is an extension to the current jitter operations with specific enhancements for
VoIP. The enhancements allow this operation to calculate voice quality scores and simulate the codec’s directly
in CLI and the MIB. It does not measure hop-by-hop response time.
The UDP Jitter Operation is designed to measure the delay, delay variance, and packet loss in IP networks by
generating active UDP traffic. It does not measure hop-by-hop response time.
Infrastructure Management
Troubleshoot network connectivity issues using ICMP echo-based IP SLAHome > Support > Technology support > IP > IP application services > Technology information > Technology
white paper > Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements User Guide