What is the Removable Media Auditor?

What is the Removable Media Auditor?

What is the Removable Media Auditor?

It allows you to see what information has been copied to CD/DVD

It creates a complete audit history of all activity which occurs on removable media

It allows you to see what processes have opened which files

All of the above

Removable Media Audit rules

Removable Media Manager is a very powerful component for controlling the

use of removable media storage devices. The Removable Media Audit tab

provides the ability to audit all file operations performed on removable media

devices and CD/DVD drives. From the RMM Audit tab it is possible to

configure a profile to either audit every file operation performed or to build a

complex set of rules based on certain defined criteria. Removable Media

Audit can record the following information:

ID: The log ID number is an incremental number and is used to make

searching events easier

Date & Time: Records information about the time and date at which the

audit event occurred.

Host Name: The machine name on which the event occurred.

Operation Type: The type of operation that was performed on the

removable media device:

Create: Audits the creation of new files

Open for Write: Audits any files that are opened for write access.

Move/Rename: Audits file moves and renames

Delete: Audits file deletions

Filename1: Records the file name & extension

Filename2: Records the new filename if a file rename is performed

Process: Records the process name that performed the file operation (e.g

Winword.exe, Explorer.exe etc)

User Name: Records the Domain and User Name of the current user

Alert: Details whether there is an alert configured for the selected event



Disables all removable media auditing from the current profile.

Log all

By selecting this option all removable media file operations will be audited

within the current profile.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This option can generate large amounts of audit

information and should be used with caution.


It is possible to build a set of defined rules to control which removable media

events are audited. To build a removable media audit rule select Add

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