Which built-in helps you do this by setting the ONETIME_WHERE property to refer dynamically to the GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_ID?

You are running a multiple-form application. The Customer form invokes the Orders form. When the Orders form launches, it displays orders for only the active customer from the Customer form. Forms exchange data with the :GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_ID variable. The Orders form should query orders for a customer only once after being launched from the Customers form.
Which built-in helps you do this by setting the ONETIME_WHERE property to refer dynamically to the GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_ID?

You are running a multiple-form application. The Customer form invokes the Orders form. When the Orders form launches, it displays orders for only the active customer from the Customer form. Forms exchange data with the :GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_ID variable. The Orders form should query orders for a customer only once after being launched from the Customers form.
Which built-in helps you do this by setting the ONETIME_WHERE property to refer dynamically to the GLOBAL.CUSTOMER_ID?





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