The Orders.fmb module contains two content canvases, both associated with the default window. Items from the DEPT data block are associated with the DEPTCAN canvas. Items from the EMP data block are associated with the EMPCAN canvas.
The user wants to view DEPT and EMP data at the same time.
What changes would you make to the Orders form?
Redefine the EPMCAN canvas as a tab canvas because it is not possible to display multiple content canvases in a single Forms module.
Create a new WINDOW object called DEPTWIN.
To associate the DEPTCAN canvas with the DEPTWIN window, set the DEPTCAN Window property to DEPTWIN.
Redefine the EMPCAN canvas as a stacked canvas because it is not possible to display multiple content canvases in a single Forms module.
Create a new WINDOW object called DEPTWIN.
To associate the DEPTWIN window with the DEPTCAN canvas, set the DEPTWIN Primary Canvas property to DEPTCAN.
Create a separate Forms module for the EMPCAN canvas and EMP data block, because it is not possible to display multiple content canvases in a single Forms module.