Which two options are contained in a VTP subset advertisement?

Which two options are contained in a VTP subset advertisement? (Choose two.)

Which two options are contained in a VTP subset advertisement? (Choose two.)

Followers field

MD5 digest

VLAN information

Sequence number

Subset Advertisements
When you add, delete, or change a VLAN in a Catalyst, the server Catalyst where the changes are
made increments the configuration revision and issues a summary advertisement. One or several
subset advertisements follow the summary advertisement. A subset advertisement contains a list
of VLAN information.
If there are several VLANs, more than one subset advertisement can be required in order to
advertise all the VLANs.
Subset Advertisement Packet Format

This formatted example shows that each VLAN information field contains information for a different
VLAN. It is ordered so that lowered-valued ISL VLAN IDs occur first:

Most of the fields in this packet are easy to understand. These are two clarifications:
Code — The format for this is 0x02 for subset advertisement.
Sequence number — This is the sequence of the packet in the stream of packets that follow a
summary advertisement. The sequence starts with 1.
Advertisement Requests
A switch needs a VTP advertisement request in these situations:
The switch has been reset.
The VTP domain name has been changed.
The switch has received a VTP summary advertisement with a higher configuration revision than
its own.

Upon receipt of an advertisement request, a VTP device sends a summary advertisement. One or
more subset advertisements follow the summary advertisement. This is an example:

Code—The format for this is 0x03 for an advertisement request.
Start-Value—This is used in cases in which there are several subset advertisements. If the first (n)
subset advertisement has been received and the subsequent one (n+1) has not been received,
the Catalyst only requests advertisements from the (n+1)th one.


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