As a network administrator, can you tell me what the root guard feature provides in a bridged
It ensures that BPDUs sent by the root bridge are forwarded in a timely manner
It enforces the root bridge placement in the network
It ensures that all ports receiving BPDUs from the root bridge are in the forwarding state.
It ensures that the bridge is elected as root bridge in the network.
The root guard feature provides a way to enforce the root bridge placement in the network. The
root guard ensures that the port on which root guard is enabled is the designated port. Normally,
root bridge ports are all designated ports, unless two or more ports of the root bridge are
connected together. If the bridge receives superior STP Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) on a
root guard-enabled port, root guard moves this port to a root-inconsistent STP state. This rootinconsistent state is effectively equal to a listening state. No traffic is forwarded across this port. In
this way, the root guard enforces the position of the root bridge.