what is the mathematical relationship between the committed information rate (CIR), committed burst (Bc), and committed rate measurement interval (Tc)?

For the following items, what is the mathematical relationship between the committed information
rate (CIR), committed burst (Bc), and committed rate measurement interval (Tc)?

For the following items, what is the mathematical relationship between the committed information
rate (CIR), committed burst (Bc), and committed rate measurement interval (Tc)?

CIR = TC / Bc

CIR = Be / Tc

Tc = CIR / Bc

Tc = Bc / CIR

Terminologies: The term CIR refers to the traffic rate for a VC based on a business contract.
Tc is a static time interval, set by the shaper.
Committed burst (Bc) is the number of bits that can be sent in each Tc. Be is the excess burst
size, in bits. This is the number of bits beyond Bc that can be sent after a period of inactivity.

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