What are the "bound IP addresses" used for in LDP?

What are the “bound IP addresses” used for in LDP?

What are the “bound IP addresses” used for in LDP?

For each such address and mask /32, one label binding is created.

As the TCP endpoint, IP addresses are used by the LDP session.

These addresses are used to find the label binding to put in the LFIB, by looking up these IP
addresses in the routing table.

These addresses are used for penultimate hop popping (PHP) when forwarding packets to the
next router directly.

In case of liberal label retention Label Information Base (LIB) maintains remote binding information
through down streaming or through upcoming hop. The label binding is utilized in Label forwarding

information base (LFIB) but no other labels are kept which are not used for forwarding packets.
The cause for storing remote binding in LFIB is subject to topological change and implementation
of dynamic routing due to downlink of router. Conservative label retention mode configure on an
LSR does not contain all remote bindings except an associated upcoming hop in its LIB. However
LLR will help in rapid routing topological change while CLR utilizes memory efficiently.

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