If you are developing a Web Service starting from WSDL 1.1, how would you declare in wsdl that the Web Service requires the use of Addressing in a standard and interoperable way.
Declare a policy as
<wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional=”true”>
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:portType so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
Declare a policy as
<wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional=”true”>
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:binding so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
Declare a policy as
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:binding so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
Declare a policy as
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:service so that it applies to all the wsdl:ports in the service scope.