Which three statements about GLBP are true?

Which three statements about GLBP are true? (Choose three.)

Which three statements about GLBP are true? (Choose three.)

It uses a virtual MAC address that starts with 0070.b4.

It elects a single active virtual gateway to appoint and manage multiple active virtual forwarders.

It allows the configured virtual IP address to be used on a physical interface as well.

It uses a virtual MAC address that starts with 0070.4b.

It elects multiple active virtual gateways to appoint and manage a single active virtual forwarder.

Preemption is enabled for the configured active virtual gateway by default.

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The virtual MAC address in GLBP is 0007.b400.xxyy where xx is the GLBP group number and yy
is the different number of each gateway (01, 02, 03…).
One of the routers in a GLBP group is elected as an AVG – Active Virtual Gateway. There is only
one active AVG in a group, and its task is to respond to ARP requests sent to the virtual gateway
IP address replying different virtual MAC addresses in response packets.
GLBP allows the configured virtual IP address to be used on a physical interface.
By default, the GLBP gateway preemptive scheme is disabled. A backup virtual gateway can
become the AVG only if the current AVG fails, regardless of the priorities assigned to the virtual gateways.



A is not correct



oops, yes it is.