How can you produce such a file containing the contents of the countryLanguage table using MySQL’s select?

You have an external application that requires an input file with comma-separated values.

How can you produce such a file containing the contents of the countryLanguage table using MySQL’s select?

You have an external application that requires an input file with comma-separated values.

How can you produce such a file containing the contents of the countryLanguage table using MySQL’s select?

SELECT * FROM CountryLanguage
INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/CountryLanguage.csv’ WITH SEPARATOR ‘,’

SELECT * FROM CountryLanguage
INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/CountryLanguage.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’

SELECT * FROM CountryLanguage
INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/CountryLanguage.csv’ AS CSV

There is no support for exporting comma-separated data.

Fields (values) seperated by commas

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