This method us missing four lines, which group of lines complete this method?

Consider the following database table:
Inventory Table
* Item_ID, Integer: PK
* Item_name, Varchar (20)
* Price, Numeric (10, 2)
* Quan, Integer
Consider the following method that updates the prices in the Inventory table:
public static void updatePrices{
// #1: missing line
Connection con) throws SQLException {
// #2: missing line
PreparedStatement updatePrices = con.prepareStatement (updatePricesString);
// #3: missing line
// #4: missing line

This method us missing four lines, which group of lines complete this method?

Consider the following database table:
Inventory Table
* Item_ID, Integer: PK
* Item_name, Varchar (20)
* Price, Numeric (10, 2)
* Quan, Integer
Consider the following method that updates the prices in the Inventory table:
public static void updatePrices{
// #1: missing line
Connection con) throws SQLException {
// #2: missing line
PreparedStatement updatePrices = con.prepareStatement (updatePricesString);
// #3: missing line
// #4: missing line

This method us missing four lines, which group of lines complete this method?

1. HashMap<Integer, String> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString =”UPDATE inventory SET price =? WHERE item_name’?'”;
3. For (map.Entry<Integer, String> x : newPrices.entrySet())
4. UpdatePrices.setFloat(1, x.getvalue().floatValue()); updatePrice.setString (2, x.getKey());

1. HashMap<Integer, Float> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString =”UPDATE inventory SET price =? WHERE item_id ‘?'”;
3. For (map.Entry<Integer, String> x : newPrices.entrySet())
4. UpdatePrices.setFloat(1, x.getvalue().floatValue()); updatePrice.setString (2,

1. HashMap<Integer, Float> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString = �UPDATE inventory SET price =? Where item_id �?� �;
3. For (map.Entry<Integer, String> x : newPrices.entrySet())
4. UpdatePrices.setInt(1, x.getvalue().floatValue()); updatePrice.setString (2, x.getvalue());

1. HashMap<Integer, Float> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString = �UPDATE inventory SET price =? Where item_id �?� �;
3. For (map.Entry<Integer, String> x : newPrices.entrySet())
4. UpdatePrices.setInt(1, x.getvalue().floatValue()); updatePrice.setString (2,

1. HashMap<Integer, String> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString = �UPDATE inventory SET price =? Where item_id �?� �;
3. For (map.Entry<Integer, String> x : newPrices.entrySet())
4. UpdatePrices,setString(1, x.getKey()); updatePrices.setFloat(2, x.getValue().floatValue());

1. HashMap<Integer> newPrices,
2. StringupdatePriceString = �UPDATE inventory SET price =? Where item_id �?� �;
3. For (Integer x: newPrice)
4. updatePrice.setInt(1, x);

The first line should be HashMap<Integer, Float> newPrices, as in SQL numeric represent a float number, not an integeror string.
We also make sure to use floatValue() both in appropriate places in line 4.
Note: Map is an object that maps keys to values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys: Each key can map to at most one value. It models the mathematical function abstraction.

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not D. I guess the correct option is missing



B if
3 for(Map.Entry x : newPrices.entrySet())
4 updatePrice.setFloat(1, x.getValue().floatValue()); updatePrice.setInt(2, x.getKey().intValue());