What are three primary components that describe TKIP?

What are three primary components that describe TKIP? (Choose three.)

What are three primary components that describe TKIP? (Choose three.)

Broadcast Key Rotation

Dynamic WEP

Message Integrity Check

Per-Packet Key Hashing

Symmetric Key Cipher

WPA2 Enterprise Mode

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TKIP offers three advantages over WEP:

* Per packet keying: Each packet is generated using a unique key so it is much more difficult to get from repetitive data back to the key.
* Message integrity check: (MIC – If the message integrity check does not pass, the message is seen as a forgery. If two forgeries are detected in one second, the

radio assumes it is under attack. It deletes its session key, disassociates itself, then forces re-association)
* Broadcast key rotation: Broadcast key is required in 802.1X environments but it is vulnerable to same attacks as static WEP key. By using broadcast key rotation, key

is delivered to client encrypted with client’s dynamic key.

Based on Per packet keying & Message integrity check, every packet has a unique encryption key and each packet is digitally signed to validate the source of the sender

before decrypting it to make sure the packet is valid and that it’s coming from a trusted source and not being spoofed