Which connections allow the use of full-duplex Ethernet?

Which connections allow the use of full-duplex Ethernet?(Choose three.)

Which connections allow the use of full-duplex Ethernet?(Choose three.)

switch to hub

switch to host

hub to hub

switch to switch

host to host

Full-duplex Ethernet uses two pairs of wires, instead of one wire pair like half duplex. And full
duplex uses a point-to-point connection between the transmitter of the transmitting device and the
receiver of the receiving device. This means that with full-duplex data transfer, you get a faster
data transfer compared to half duplex. And because the transmitted data is sent on a different set
of wires than the received data, no collisions will occur.
Full-duplex Ethernet can be used in three situations:
* With a connection from a switch to a host
* With a connection from a switch to a switch
* With a connection from a host to a host using a crossover cable

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