What is the advantage of using a multipoint interface instead of point-to-point subinterfaces when configuring a Frame Relay hub in a hub-and-spoke topology?

What is the advantage of using a multipoint interface instead of point-to-point subinterfaces when
configuring a Frame Relay hub in a hub-and-spoke topology?

What is the advantage of using a multipoint interface instead of point-to-point subinterfaces when
configuring a Frame Relay hub in a hub-and-spoke topology?

It avoids split-horizon issues with distance vector routing protocols.

IP addresses can be conserved if VLSM is not being used for subnetting.

The multiple IP network addresses required for a multipoint interface provide greater
addressing flexibility over point-to-point configurations.

A multipoint interface offers greater security compared to point-to-point subinterface

Frame Relay supports two types of interfaces: point-to-point and multipoint. The one you choose
determines whether you need to use the configuration commands that ensure IP address to datalink connection identifier (DLCI) mappings. After configuring the PVC itself, you must tell the router

which PVC to use in order to reach a specific destination. Let’s look at these options: Point-topoint subinterface – With point-to-point subinterfaces, each pair of routers has its own subnet. If
you put the PVC on a point-to-point subinterface, the router assumes that there is only one pointto-point PVC configured on the subinterface. Therefore, any IP packets with a destination IP
address in the same subnet are forwarded on this VC. This is the simplest way to configure the
mapping and is therefore the recommended method. Use the frame-relay interface-dlci command
to assign a DLCI to a specified Frame Relay subinterface. Multipoint networks – Multipoint
networks have three or more routers in the same subnet. If you put the PVC in a point-tomultipoint subinterface or in the main interface (which is multipoint by default), you need to either
configure a static mapping or enable inverse Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for dynamic

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