What is the most likely reason for this?

A company implements video conferencing over IP on their Ethernet LAN. The users notice that the network slows down, and the video either stutters or fails completely. What is the most likely reason for this?

A company implements video conferencing over IP on their Ethernet LAN. The users notice that the network slows down, and the video either stutters or fails completely. What is the most likely reason for this?

minimum cell rate (MCR)

quality of service (QoS)


packet switching exchange (PSE)

reliable transport protocol (RTP)

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Email Hosting

Email Hosting

If the QoS is not configured correctly on the network, video traffic can slow down all your traffic. That company implemented video traffic and the network slows down -> maybe they don’t configure QoS so video traffic (which is very high and bursty) and data traffic have the same priority and video traffic eats all the bandwidth. QoS can solve this problem by giving higher priority for data (or voice) traffic over video traffic.