When troubleshooting a Frame Relay connection, what is the first step when performing a loopback test?
Set the encapsulation of the interface to HDLC.
Place the CSU/DSU in local-loop mode.
Enable local-loop mode on the DCE Frame Relay router.
Verify that the encapsulation is set to Frame Relay.
The first thing when performing a loopback test on a Frame Relay connection is to reconfigure the encapsulation of the interface to HDLC protocol instead of Frame Relay protocol. The main reason is Frame Relay requires a pair of DCE/DTE which cannot be used in a loopback test.
For more information about steps of trouble shooting Frame Relay, please read: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk713/tk237/technologies_tech_note09186a008014f8a7.shtml#topic20