Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?

Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?

Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient?

data integrity


key exchange


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Mr pakistan

Mr pakistan

I think the right answer is encryption becoz it ensures Data Confidentiality…………… But Authentication is suggested in a Dump… 🙂

James Bond

James Bond

Answer: D


First you need to understand what these terms mean:

Data integrity: verifying that the packet was not changed as the packet transited the Internet

Encryption: conversion of data into a form, called a ciphertext, that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people

Authentication: the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. Authentication can take place at both sides, the sender and the receiver.

Key exchange: is any method in cryptography by which cryptographic keys are exchanged between users, allowing use of a cryptographic algorithm.

So in this question we realize that only authentication involves in the end user while others are about processing data -> D is correct



I totally disagree with the answer! If the data isn’t encrypted with a data privacy protocol (like ESP) with a session key, then there is possibility that multiple unauthorized recipients could see the data of the transmitted packets. Authentication is a process that authenticates end-to-end, but encryption is a process that authenticates end-to-anywhere the packet get to go. And if the packet isn’t delivered to the intended receiver to decrypt using the correct session key, then the data will not being accessible. The correct answer should was B – Encryption…

Ernie Dunbar

Ernie Dunbar

I would have to agree with encryption. In doing a little web search the best definition of encryption states that only the intended recipient is able to decrypt the encrypted data stream to recover the information. Authentication only tells you that you can trust or know that the host is who they say they are.

Phill Zimmer

Phill Zimmer

The right answer is definitely (B) encryption. Authentication only assures you that the sender of the data has not been spoofed, not that the data itself is confidential.