Which Cisco IOS command can help to determine the timing of various debug events, relative to each other, when you are debugging a complicated router issue?
service timestamps log datetime msec
clock calendar-valid
show clock detail
service timestamps debug datetime msec
Correct Option is : D.
service timestamps debug datetime msec
#service timestamps debug datetime msec
What is the correct correct answer for this question? Look like answer D is correct. Please confirm!
– To configure the system to apply a time stamp to debugging messages or system logging messages, use the service timestamps command in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.
service timestamps [debug | log] [uptime | datetime [msec]] [localtime] [show-timezone] [year]
no service timestamps [debug | log]
debug (Optional) Indicates time-stamping for debugging messages.
log (Optional) Indicates time-stamping for system logging messages.
– It is generally advisable to configure millisecond timestamps as this provides high level of clarity when looking at debug outputs. Millisecond timestamps provide a better indication of the timing of the various debugs events relative to each other.
which means the right answer here is D “service timestamps debug datetime msec”
hope that help